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Unleash the Potential of Offshore Marketing Automation Specialists and Automate Your Way to Marketing Excellence!

Hire Offshore Digital Marketing Staff

Role & Responsibilities:

Our offshore Marketing Automation Specialist is responsible for leveraging marketing automation tools and strategies to automate repetitive marketing tasks, improve lead generation and nurturing, and drive revenue growth for the company. Here are some common roles and responsibilities of an offshore Marketing Automation Specialist:

  • Marketing Automation Strategy

    Offshore Marketing Automation Specialists are responsible for developing and implementing marketing automation strategies that align with the company's marketing goals and target audience.

  • Automation Campaign Development

    Offshore Marketing Automation Specialists are responsible for developing automation campaigns that target different segments of the company's audience, including lead generation, lead nurturing, customer retention, and upselling.

  • Lead Scoring And Management

    Offshore Marketing Automation Specialists are responsible for setting up lead scoring criteria, lead nurturing workflows, and managing the lead database to ensure that leads are properly tracked and segmented based on their stage in the buying cycle.

  • Email Marketing Automation

    Offshore Marketing Automation Specialists are responsible for creating and managing email marketing automation campaigns, including welcome emails, abandoned cart emails, and trigger-based emails.

  • Social Media Automation

    Offshore Marketing Automation Specialists are responsible for setting up and managing social media automation workflows, including social media scheduling, content curation, and social media listening.

  • Webinar And Event Automation

    Offshore Marketing Automation Specialists are responsible for setting up and managing webinar and event registration workflows, reminders, and follow-up campaigns.

  • Analytics

    Offshore Marketing Automation Specialists are responsible for analyzing automation campaign performance and user behavior to identify opportunities for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

  • Integration

    Offshore Marketing Automation Specialists are responsible for integrating marketing automation tools with other marketing tools, such as CRM systems, content management systems, and analytics platforms.

    Stay up-to-date with industry trends and updates, and provide recommendations on new strategies, tactics, and tools.

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Our Flexible Hire Offerings

Being a top IT Resource Provider Company in India, We present flexible Hiring options from which you can select the best suitable one to your project. Our Dedicated Team for hire can be leveraged on full-time, part-time or on an hourly basis.

Hourly Hiring

  • Prefer better half for your business
  • Duration: 8 Hrs/Day –
    5 Days/Week
  • Billing: Weekly/Daily/Monthly
  • Timeline: Based on Project

Full-Time Hiring

  • Only Works For You
  • Duration: 8 Hrs/Day –
    5 Days/Week(160 Hrs/ Month)
  • Billing: Monthly
  • Timeline: Based on Project

Part-Time Hiring

  • Need a few hours of attention to the work.
  • Duration: 4 Hrs/Day –
    5 Days/Week (80 Hrs/ Month)
  • Billing: Monthly
  • Timeline: Based on Project