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Industries / Real Estate

Accurate Property Valuations Made Easy

Automated Valuation Models Software

Custom Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) software is a type of software that uses algorithms and data analytics to generate automated property valuations. This software is typically used in the real estate industry by lenders, real estate agents, and property owners to determine the estimated value of a property.

Custom Automated Valuation Models software uses a variety of data sources, including property characteristics, comparable sales data, and market trends to generate a property valuation. The software can be customized to meet the specific needs of the user, with features such as data cleansing, analytics, and machine learning algorithms to improve accuracy.


AVM software is designed to automate property valuations and improve accuracy over time. The software includes advanced algorithms, integrates multiple data sources, and provides customization and integration options to meet the specific needs of the user.

Some of the key features of Automated Valuation Models (AVM) software include:

  • Data Sources

    AVM software integrates multiple data sources, including property characteristics, comparable sales data, public record data, and market trends. The software can be customized to include specific data sources based on the user's needs.

  • Algorithms

    AVM software uses advanced algorithms to analyze data and generate property valuations. These algorithms can be customized to match the user's requirements and can include machine learning algorithms to improve accuracy over time.

  • Integration

    AVM software can be integrated with other real estate software tools, including property management software, MLS systems, and CRM platforms. This integration provides a comprehensive view of property values and helps users make more informed decisions.

  • Reporting

    AVM software generates reports that provide property valuations and other relevant information, such as comparable sales data and market trends. These reports can be customized to match the user's branding and can be exported in various formats, including PDF and Excel.

  • Security

    AVM software is designed with security in mind and includes features such as data encryption, role-based access control, and user authentication to ensure that sensitive data is protected.

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Benefits of Automated Valuation Models Software

Automated Valuation Models (AVM) software offers several benefits for users in the real estate industry, including:

Speed And Efficiency

AVM software automates the property valuation process, reducing the time and resources required to generate property valuations. This allows users to quickly and efficiently generate property valuations, improving workflow efficiency.


AVM software can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional property valuation methods, as it reduces the need for manual property inspections and appraisals. This can result in cost savings for users, particularly for large property portfolios.


AVM software can be integrated with other real estate software tools, including property management software, MLS systems, and CRM platforms. This integration provides a more comprehensive view of property values and helps users make more informed decisions.


AVM software uses algorithms and data analytics to generate property valuations, resulting in more accurate valuations than traditional methods. By incorporating multiple data sources and advanced algorithms, AVM software can provide a more comprehensive and accurate view of property values.


AVM software can be customized to meet the specific needs of the user, including the ability to filter data based on property type, location, and other factors. This customization allows users to generate property valuations that are more relevant to their specific needs.


AVM software can be used to generate property valuations for a single property or a large property portfolio. This scalability allows users to use the software to meet their specific needs, regardless of the size of their property portfolio.

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